Never miss an important call again. Our voicemail message-to-email service converts your voicemail messages into audio files and sends them directly to your email inbox.
Stay Informed, Even When You’re Away
Our Voicemail-to-email service ensures that you never miss an important call. Voicemail messages are promptly converted to audio files and delivered directly to your email inbox, allowing you to review and respond to messages at your convenience.
Key Benefits:
Our Voicemail-to-email service lets you stay connected and productive, even when you’re not in the office.
Plenty of parking for visitors.
Every executive office is a fully equipped and furnished workspace.
Client printing, faxing, and scanning are available.
Ask for our visitor’s WIFI information and enjoy the internet.
Enjoy a cup of java or tea.
Open Monday-Friday from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM unless closed for a Holiday.
Since 2007, Virtual Offices of Las Vegas has been providing turnkey executive suites and virtual offices in Las Vegas.