Our Live Message to Cell, part of the Standard Live Answering service, provides focused message-taking capabilities. A dedicated receptionist will answer your company’s calls, take detailed messages, and promptly forward them to you via text or email.
Never miss an important call again with our Live Message service, which delivers real-time notifications directly to your cell phone. Our professional receptionists handle your incoming calls carefully, acting as a seamless extension of your business. They greet callers with a customized message, gather detailed information, and immediately text it.
This instant notification system ensures you’re always in the loop, regardless of location. Whether you’re in a meeting, traveling, or simply away from your desk, you’ll receive a concise summary of each call, including the caller’s name, company, phone number, and the reason for their call. This empowers you to prioritize your responses and stay connected to crucial opportunities.
Our Live Message service eliminates the need to constantly check voicemail or worry about missed connections. You gain the flexibility to manage your time effectively while maintaining a professional and responsive image. This service ensures that no critical information slips through the cracks, allowing you to focus on your core business and maximize productivity.
Plenty of parking for visitors.
Every executive office is a fully equipped and furnished workspace.
Client printing, faxing, and scanning are available.
Ask for our visitor’s WIFI information and enjoy the internet.
Enjoy a cup of java or tea.
Open Monday-Friday from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM unless closed for a Holiday.
Virtual Offices of Las Vegas has supported clients since 2007 with our four virtual office packages at 3651 Lindell Road, Las Vegas, NV.