The standard live answering service provides focused message-taking capabilities. A dedicated receptionist will answer your company’s calls, take detailed messages, and promptly forward them to you via text or email.
Live answering service ensures you never miss an important call. We handle all incoming calls promptly and efficiently, acting as an extension of your business. Our professional receptionists answer calls promptly and use a customized greeting that reflects your company’s image.
The staff’s service goes beyond simply answering. Our receptionists meticulously gather detailed messages, ensuring no crucial information is lost. These messages are immediately dispatched to your mobile phone via text, providing instant notifications wherever you are. This real-time delivery lets you stay informed and respond quickly, maximizing efficiency and responsiveness.
Whether in a meeting, traveling, or unavailable, our live answering service keeps you connected. We eliminate the need to check voicemail or worry about missed opportunities constantly. With our service, you can focus on your core business, knowing that your calls are handled professionally and your messages are instantly delivered. This seamless communication ensures you remain accessible and always maintain a professional image.
Plenty of parking for visitors.
Every executive office is a fully equipped and furnished workspace.
Client printing, faxing, and scanning are available.
Ask for our visitor’s WIFI information and enjoy the internet.
Enjoy a cup of java or tea.
Open Monday-Friday from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM unless closed for a Holiday.
Since 2007, Virtual Offices of Las Vegas has been providing turnkey executive suites and virtual offices in Las Vegas.